Friday, July 29, 2005


just got a call from *****... was shocked to hear it from her mouth...
******* did mention something to me a few weeks back... but not affirmative.
she might be giving up her relationship becos of the ***** ****.
she dun even know whether she can make it till then...
symtoms she has i too have... does it mean i too gonna leave this world too??
just take things easy... nobody knows their tomorrow... maybe i kena accident and leave the world the very next day... who cares abt the future?? what matters is today... TODAY!!! be happy everyday... I wanna see my friends happy... i've got one sad friend today... i'm sad too... i dun want to see another friend leaving me... i rather i go first.

Its friday!!! another happy n nua day... another sad day for me...
Happy weekend my friends.... be happy