Your energy is inspirational to all those you encounter. A certain obligation will not go away until you deal with it properly. Avoiding it will not work anymore. You want something so badly that the desire is becoming part of your persona.
You'll be happy and know how to say and demonstrate it to your beloved one. You'll labor under the diffuse fear of an unfortunate event which might take place; you'll be anguished at the least threat of a danger, the least sign of a possible catastrophe. The planetary turbulences will sow disorder in your family life; certain latent conflicts may burst out in full daylight; you'll no doubt have difficulty smoothing things out. You'll be able to please, charm, bewitch; you'll have powerful affective outbursts.
Be careful of your too great susceptibility, which is likely to provoke emptiness around you. A certain suspense will reign over your emotional exchanges; you won't know if the big black clouds will quickly go away and leave the sky to the sun; but you can hasten this happy event. You'll have the possibility of overcoming obstacles which have very much delayed your progress in your work; but don't let yourself be taken advantage of. There'll be a slight drop in your physical strength, with a more or less pronounced lack of fitness.