Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Daily Horoscope --- 23th Oct 2007

Business as usual fills you with a deep sense of satisfaction at the moment. Family issues may complicate an otherwise easy time for you. Devote some of your energy to resolving conflicts among your loved ones. A job well done will be your best ally.

It will be difficult for you to work in a team; nevertheless, you'll be compelled to do it; so, try to bear the constraints and don't kick over the traces; patience will prove paying. Your eyes will probably be tired and your eyesight will be less acute than usual. You'll probably be very irritable, contrary to your rather gentle and placid temperament; it's difficult to say if this your aggressiveness is of physical or psychological origin; the fact is that the influxes of the day will make the climate rather irritating.

In your amorous relationships, the current can hardly get through because of your lack of tact and modesty. Very successful friendly relations. Do not pursue impossible chimeras. Fling yourself into activity in order to fight against pessimism and latent anxiety. A person of your family will try to meddle in your private life; put him (her) immediately in his (her) place. A favorable day for deepening your knowledge in the fields of philosophy, esotericism, or religions.