Still raining and stuck at home...
better make some plans rather than wasting and "nuaing" my precious weekend away.
Holiday, Finally decided to bring my parents for a holiday. Taiwan will be the first destination. Very excited now though the trip in in March 2007. Will be celebrating my parents 29th wedding anniversary there. Hope they will enjoy it.
Yoga lessons, been busy in 2006 and neglecting this precious art. really need to go into it. I seriously need some motivation.
Japanese Language lesson / Korea Language lesson, its been a few years since i last utilise my language cells... really need to pull my socks and start some konichiwa and anahaseiyo.
Plans ahead, any plans that can help my money grow money. Might take up programming course or take up some non-related subject to upgrade myself with a different set of skills.
Biking trips, much lesser of these but still looking forward to that one trip to thailand's songkran festival... I'm gonna missed the nice scenaries.
Dad planning to sell away the 1991 nissan march. If budget allows, might be sharing a new weekend car and start bringing my parents to short trips. Not missing too much of the scenaries thou... I WANT A hybrid car!!! =P
will be a self-improving year... hope there will be fruits of labour where i can relax and be clear of what i can do in 2008.