after weeks n weeks of torture deciding which to get... finally decided n stick to the old plan... y get that bike when my dream bike is like $1K difference and definately it will be much much comfortable to go on touring.... will get that in the future... was riding on SG road yesterday.. clocked ard 150km for the whole of yesterday.... sportsbike will be a bit tough for me on a long distance...
looks like the trip is on... feel like being dua.. 3 organisers ended up i'm alone going... min 20 to go.. now less than 10 and its still on... but its ok... bigger group may have its pro but i still prefer to go on a smaller group... at least i know i wont get blown by the superbikes.... and i know.. my idol is riding with me... kekeke...
december 3 trips!!! wohoo!!! pangkor on early december... melaka on the next weekend and CAMERON on Xmas!!! so excited... Strawberry icecream and the corners... must make sure i can conquer the cameron corners before i challenge the fraser hills... been thinking of that recently... one of the most challenging "corner" place in malaysia... muahahaha!!!