Getting the facts and making sure that people get your message straight can make all the difference in the world. With regards to your romantic life, look for opposites to attract today. The person who has always annoyed the most may now start to look more attractive. The most obvious solution to a problem today is not necessarily the best.
You'll be in a day of good material luck, but all will depend on your courage and perseverance. Your tenderness in family will be richly rewarded. The efforts which you've made since a long time in your work will begin to bear fruit. But you must refrain from taking your desires for reality. A heated discussion with a friend may very well turn sour.
A propitious day for amorous friendships and sensual sympathies, which can prove as useful as agreeable. You can do good business with strangers. Some weakness of your liver: eat more lightly and take soy lecithin. Be careful in your friendship relations: a lack of discretion may give rise to annoying disturbances. Your desire for status symbol may be the cause of some setbacks.