At times like this, it's important to remember what keeps you honest and human. The world around you benefits from your happiness and enthusiasm. Spread your energy to others and they will look fondly upon you. Movement in any direction could be uncomfortable, but you mustn't remain motionless.
The moment will be ill chosen to make a decision of capital importance: your judgment will be rather shaky. In your home, you'll try to escape tedious tasks; but you'll do just enough so that your mate can have nothing to reproach you for. It will be the ideal moment to defend your personal interests. The stars will plunge you into an exceptional amorous frenzy: you'll conduct two or three passions at the same time! Risks of headache, shortness of breath, and abnormal fatigue.
The day will be particularly favorable to students, high-school students as well as to those who earn their living by writing; all these natives will be greatly inspired, brimming with humor and mental vitality. The forecast is extremely good concerning investments and bonds; you'll be well inspired in your transactions. Whatever your present sentimental situation may be, this time you'll find true and solid love. For your good nervous equilibrium, give yourself a daily ration of solitude.