A sudden, unexpected encounter may catch you off guard. You're also apt to throw routine to the wind and do something quite out of character for you.
Hold onto what you have at this very moment because you won't be getting any more of it for a while. Talk to your colleagues about problems that are getting out of hand. The longer you wait, the worse the situation will become. Now is the time to take action.
It'll be the moment to start making a strict saving program and to manage your budget strictly; otherwise, you'll let yourself go to crazy spending and will soon find yourself in a blind alley. The stars will help you to multiply contacts, to meet people who're likely to be interested in your ideas or projects. Marvelous understanding with the one whom you love or whom you're going to meet this time. You'll be inclined to indulge in food excesses, and your stomach is well likely to have to pay for it.