After numerous shifting the layout of my bedroom, i just couldnt get the "feel" right. Sleeping disorder is my worse nightmare and decided to get some feng shui help. For the past weeks, i've been reading from websites and did some research and hopefully this layout will be my last.
Peace, Harmony, Balance
Fortunately Feng Shui refers to your décor. The most important room in the house, the bedroom where you should be spending at least eight hours very night wrapped in the arms of sleep. Feng shui is a Chinese concept and is a way of creating balance and harmony, not just in the bedroom, but in the entire house and in your life. It's a method of balancing the yin (feminine) and yang (masculine) aspects of life.
Much thought should go into the décor of the bedroom, where peace and harmony is so important. Here are a few tips:
* Ideally, the bedroom should be as far away as possible from the front door, mirroring the practice of our prehistoric ancestors who did not sleep in the mouth of their cave.
* On entering your bedroom, note where the windows are located. Chi tends to travel between the door and any windows, so avoid positioning your bed in line with this ‘draught’ of chi.
* Position your bed so that you can see the door from where you sleep. This gives you a deep sense of inner security.
* If it is feasible, position your bed as far away from the door as possible.
* Avoid sleeping with your head close to a window as your chi will dissipate through the window and make you feel more tired on awakening.
* Work stations have no place in a bedroom. Avoid having things like desks and computers anywhere near the bed.
* If there's a bathroom in the bedroom, the door should be kept closed at night. This, again, adds to the feeling of safety and protection. Check your bathroom at night. Make sure all the taps are firmly turned off so there's no troublesome drip, drip to keep you awake, then close the door.
* To help you protect your own chi while you are asleep, to internalize it and recharge it, make sure you have a strong, stable headboard. Chi energy enters and exits the body through the feet, hands and the top of the skull, Having a solid ‘mountain’ behind you while you sleep is far more beneficial than a cold, blank wall or worse, the cutting chi of an ornate brass bedstead.
* If you sleep with another person, note the position of your bed relative to the wall that it is up against. Is it equidistant--in the middle of the wall? This is vital in a relationship as it gives both individuals who share the bed equality in the relationship. A shared bed crammed into the corner of a room, is giving more freedom of chi to the individual on the open side whereas the partner will literally and symbolically feel up against a wall.
* Make sure all bedside tables have rounded edges and not square to prevent cutting chi being focused towards the occupants. If two sleep in the bed, ensure matching beside tables on either side for added stability and protection in the relationship.
* Do you really need to have a telephone in the room? If you consider it a necessity, let acquaintances know you don't appreciate late night calls. Of course, this doesn't eliminate wrong numbers and crank calls.
* Ceiling beams above the bed are a Feng Shui nightmare. They can be a source of cutting chi and the beams carry a tremendous load, and this pressure is focused into the beams generating chi which continues downwards, placing direct pressure on you while you sleep.
^Some tips: Paint the beams; drape fabric over the beams; hang bamboo flutes 2-3 inches below the beam to soften the load (the flutes are hung at a 45 degree angle to the beam with the mouthpiece downwards).
* If you sleep with another, make sure your bed is symbolic of this relationship. Beds that are rickety or likely to fall part speak volumes about the state of the relationship.
* Given that the bedroom is a more yin environment, the lighting that you choose needs to reflect this. Soft lighting is ideal. Avoid having ceiling lamps right directly over your bed.
* Pastel colors encourage sleep - pale blue or green. Ivory, light pink or yellow. Bright colors, especially the fluorescents, are bursting with energy. These colors shout at you to get up and get going. Walls and carpets should relax you, not startle the eyeballs till the lids won't close. If your bedroom is a shouter, maybe it's time to repaint. Turn that rebel yell into a sweet lullaby.
* Avoid sleeping with your image visible in a mirror. the worst scenario of all is a mirror at the foot of your bed.
* Place something beautiful that inspires you where you first look in the morning.
* Pay attention to what is under your bed. Keep the space clear and get rid of any unwanted items there.
* Off With the Entertainent. Television sets don't belong in the bedroom. Neither do other forms of entertainment - DVD players. Hand held games. Keep the entertainment equipment in the family room, the living room, the rumpus room. Even the kitchen, if it pleases you. But never in the bedroom. If you really have to have the TV in the bedroom, when it's time to sleep, cover the screen. Do the same with the computer monitor. Covering the mirrors is also a good idea.
* Lights can be disturbing, whether it's the streetlight outside your window, headlights of passing traffic - or even the full moon shining on the bed. In feng shui, however, another reason for covering the windows is to give the sleeper more of a feeling of safety. Yet another reason for covering windows, as well as all reflective surfaces - mirrors, TV screens, computers - is to prevent someone from being startled by a stray reflection of movement - their own - in the glass.
* Not only where you place the bed but everything about it is important when you use feng shui. What's above it, threatening to fall on you and crush you? A heavy light fixture? A ceiling fan? What's below it, sending up old memories or worries? Move the heavy weight from above your head. Clean out the space underneath the bed. Then relax into a good night's sleep.
* Clutter doesn't encourage you to sleep. Clean up the clothing on the floor. Pick up those books and toys. Make your bedroom safe and restful. Don't let clutter collect and invade your sleep.
It's all about keeping surroundings harmonious, Feng shui creates good chi energy and chi energy is life force.
Think peace. Think harmony, Think sleep.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
How to feng shui your bedroom
Bedroom Layout,
Feng Shui