Wednesday, September 13, 2006

should i??

my DR settled, lesser stress... but still stressed... need to find more $$$ to clear my other loans...
thousands and thousands of "should i" keep popping in my mind for the past 1 week.. time no enuff, money laggi no enuff... time for my part time halfed cos of work... OT, OT and more OTs... though limit set but still no longer able to send out all 30 documents a day... at least my petrol is covered for... lesser stress... stressing between the 2 jobs... more n more stone i get.. boy, i need more sleep... seems like sunday is the only day i can sleep n rest after my part time... hopefully not like last sunday... 36 documents took me 5hrs due to rain... got totally drenched and no choice.. back home, changed to car and carry on... back home n KO from 5+pm till 9am the next day... any quicker way to earn $$$ ?

feel like cancelling my life and savings plan, all sucking my blood dry every month... when will i be more sensible and spend my $$ wisely?